Are you ready for the new Marine Safety Act?

The Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic) commences on 1 July 2012. There
are a number of changes in the new legislation that affect
recreational boaters and the broader Victorian maritime
The purpose of this new legislation is to provide for safe marine
operations in Victoria. It will replace the Marine Act 1988
(Vic), which was reviewed to address the changing safety profile of
the maritime industry and as part of an extensive transport
legislation review in Victoria.
The Marine Safety Act will introduce a range of new
requirements, including:
- An improved framework to ensure vessels are fit for purpose and
those who operate them have the skills to do so safely.
- Clear accountabilities and safety duties for parties who have a
shared responsibility for marine safety.
- Additional enforcement tools to address non-compliance with
marine safety legislation and waterway rules.
You will have responsibilities under the Marine Safety Act if you
- an owner of a vessel
- a person who designs, commissions, manufactures, supplies,
installs, maintains, repairs or modifies vessels, marine safety
equipment or marine safety infrastructure
- a marine safety worker
- otherwise involved in recreational boating activities (as a
master, operator or passenger)
- a member of the public
Key changes relevant to recreational boaters
A recreational boat operator license will now be known as a
'marine license'.
Vessels will no longer be permitted to be registered in the name
of a corporation. Vessels may only be registered in the name of a
natural person who is 14 years of age or older.
'Owner onus'
The introduction of an 'owner onus' system to ensure that those
responsible for maritime offences are held accountable for their
Safety duties
To ensure that those who participate in recreational boating take
reasonable care to protect themselves and others
Transport Safety Victoria (TSV) will help you to understand what
the new marine safety legislation means for you. Keep up to date
with the latest information by visiting their website at
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