The smart money's on the smartphone

This is the dawn of the smartphone age. However, you wouldn't
know it by looking at mobile advertising expenditure. In the USA,
often the market we look to for what's next, consumers are spending
10% of their media attention on their mobile devices while the
medium only attracts 1% of total advertising spend.
Compared to other media this figure is incredibly low. Print only
attracts about 7% of media-time, but still captures an astonishing
25% of the total US ad-spend, receiving 25-times more ad money than
mobile. The disparity between the two mediums gives a strong
indication of how much room mobile still has to grow.
Imagine the state of the world in the next two to three years -
smartphones will be in the hands of almost every consumer and
tablet sales will exceed PCs. It will be a world where global
internet users will double, led by mobile usage. At that time,
mobile will no longer be a support medium, it will be THE
At this point, not having a mobile strategy in place for your
business is a recipe for disruption. The golden age of mobile is
here and will be here for years. Talk to your account manager if
you'd like to find out more about building your business through
mobile advertising or with a new mobile site.
Source: BI Intelligence: The Future of Mobile (2012) quoting
VSS, Mary Meeker (KPCB), comScore, Alex, Flurry Analytics
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