Living the Aussie dream

Sell more products, to more people with Tradingpost
Design trends change, but one thing that remains the same is
the Aussie love of a bargain. With people remaining longer in their
current home, Tradingpost users are on the lookout for their next
homeware bargain and DIY project.
Every month Australians visit Tradingpost 2.7 million times
and make over 680,000 online and 240,000 mobile searches in the
Home & DIY department.
Nearly two thirds of Tradingpost users plan to undertake some
form of home activity within the next 12 months, with 1 in 5
planning to spend over $5,000 renovating or extending their
Featuring both your brand and Home and DIY products on
Tradingpost will help you reach this audience, driving more
customers to your door.
Omniture Site Catalyst SEP 2011
Roy Morgan Single Source Australia: OCT 2010 - SEP 2011
Omniture Site Catalyst SEP 2011
Roy Morgan Single Source Australia: OCT 2010 - SEP 2011
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