The smart money's on the smartphone

Mobile advertising
This is the dawn of the smartphone age. However, you wouldn't know it by looking at mobile advertising expenditure. In the USA, often the market we look to for what's next, consumers are spending 10% of their media attention on their mobile devices while the medium only attracts 1% of total advertising spend.
Happy brands

VW leads the charge
Did you know that 94% of the 2.8 million Australians looking to buy a new vehicle in the next four years are already drivers? This makes automotive brand loyalty a key component of the next sale.
The smart money's on the smartphone

Mobile advertising
This is the dawn of the smartphone age. However, you wouldn't know it by looking at mobile advertising expenditure. In the USA, often the market we look to for what's next, consumers are spending 10% of their media attention on their mobile devices while the medium only attracts 1% of total advertising spend.
Are you ready for the new Marine Safety Act?

Changes in Victoria
The Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic) commences on 1 July 2012. There are a number of changes in the new legislation that affect recreational boaters and the broader Victorian maritime industry.
Growth still driven from the shift of print to online

Frost & Sullivan, one on Australia's leading market research firms, has released their latest report into the Australian online classifieds market. The results show growth is still strong with a 16% uplift in total revenue last year.
MoreWhat's driving the automotive aftermarket online?

Tradingpost recently attended the Australia Automotive Aftermarket Conference (AAAA) - Harnessing Technology to Ensure a Sustainable Future. A common theme, relevant to many businesses, throughout the event was the need to embrace technology and the migration of bricks and mortar businesses online.
MoreBikes start the year strongly

The bike market saw healthy growth in the first quarter of 2012, with 25,526 new motorcycles, ATVs and scooters sold. This figure is a very positive increase of 2249 units, or 9.7% over the first quarter in 2011.
MoreMicrochip. Major change.

New microchip legislation for the Victorian pet industry
The Victorian Government has recently introduced new legislation which makes it an offence to advertise a cat or dog for sale unless the microchip number is included in the advertisement. This law applies to both online and offline advertisements.
MoreOnline customers still prefer to buy in Australia

Analysis reveals almost three quarters of online sales are local
While many Australian retailers fear they're missing out to their overseas counterparts the numbers show that Australians still prefer to purchase from local sellers.
MoreHigh performance

What sets the top automotive dealers apart?
The latest Deloitte Motor Industry Services review for 2012 has been released with some interesting insights about automotive dealer performance in 2011 and the outlook for this year.
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Latest Industry News
- The smart money’s on the smartphone
- Happy brands
- The smart money’s on the smartphone
- Are you ready for the new Marine Safety Act?
- Growth still driven from the shift of print to online
- What's driving the automotive aftermarket online?
- Bikes start the year strongly
- Microchip. Major change
- Online customers still prefer to buy in Australia